Sunday, November 16, 2008

To someone I care deeply about,

Even though we've only hung out one time, seen each other a couple times, and talk on occassion, you mean a whole lot to me. When I hear and read how sad you are, my heart breaks. No one, especially you, should have to go through this. I beg God to make you happy again. It's the only thing I pray about. And, I pray for ever about it. Sure, my life is getting better, and I'm getting happier, but nothing will be 100% better until you're happy, and you're living everyday for God like usual. You know, I was thinking. All the bad is because of the devil. But, God doesn't stop it because he's seeing if you'll break under all the pain or stay strong and faithful in Him. The devil doesn't realize that everytime he puts pain and hurt into a Christian's life, it's not helping him one bit. His plan backfires, and we just end up closer to God. I hope maybe that made you feel a tad better. I know it helped me some. I care about you a heck of a lot more than I normally care about people. Why, I'm not sure since I rarely see you. But, I care so much, and I just want you to be happy. I asked God, if it were possible to put all the hurt that's in your life into mine, so you could have hope and joy again. I also prayed that this terrible journey would soon see the light that's always at the end of the tunnel. I'm hoping whatever's going on is nearing the end. I pray with everything I have that it is. I pray with everything I have that you can be happy again. I pray with everything I have that you can be the same person I met this summer, the one who's outgoing, the one who lives each and every day for Christ, the one that I and everyone else here loves.
I Love You and I can't wait until your life is full of joy again!

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