Thursday, November 20, 2008


All I've been doing is running from thing to thing this past week. I don't have any down time. It's run from school to trebs to work, or school to trebs to voice to babysit. I had one day off, Tuesday, but I had to babysit a little and write two papers. Tonight was supposed to be a day for me to relax after trebs and voice, but I had to emergency babysit. I'm stressed and drained. This week has had more 15 hour days than I've had in months combined. I don't have anymore energy to push through another day. Tomorrow, my day offically ends at 6, not 9 like every other day. School then work till 6. You have no idea how excited I am to finally be done! I mean, I love running around and being busy, but it's extremely exhausting. If I had a day off once in a while, I would totally be okay with it. And, it was supposed to be like that. Hopefully, this is the only crazy week I'll have for a while.
Lately, people have been amazing! So, things are getting a little better. I have one person who has been there for me through this, listens, and makes me feel a whole lot better. And, I truly thank him. (:

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