Friday, November 28, 2008

RIP my Asics ):

I got a new speckled molly today. My mom bought it for me. Which meant a lot to me, for some unknown reason. Anyhoo, I loved it!!! Until, my mom put it in the same tank as my black molly, Asics. They fought like no other!!! I was kinda disappointed, and I felt bad. For the my black molly and my mom. Asics was being picked on by the new fish, in her own tank! Then, I felt bad for my mom because she tried so hard to make me happy with getting me a new fish. The fish she ended up getting was a bully to my poor Asics. Off topic for a second- my mom tries soo hard to have a relationship with me by getting me stuff she thinks I may like, and all the time I feel bad if I don't like it because she's trying hard. It just makes me extremely sad when she gets something for me that I don't like because she tries hard, and I feel bad saying I don't like it, so I say I like it and keep it. Back onto what I was saying- My new fish ended up killing my Asics. It was a very sad moment. I wouldn't call myself an animal lover, but I guess I have to. I become attached to any animal almost instantly whether it's mine or not. And, whenever I get a pet, I NEVER want to bring it back because they don't deserve it. Everyone deserves a home. Maybe it's just an adopted child thing, but I wouldn't want to come home to a family and finally get a home, then be disliked and taken back. I don't know, but I feel for these animals. This time I didn't cry when my pet died, although, as I'm writing this, I really really want to. I don't get to wake up looking at Asics. I'm hoping this new fish will be kinda close to my Asics. If not, I'll be mad.
There's no Godly thing in this post, nor can I tie one in. But, I just felt like writing out my saddness and frustration.

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