Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

On this Valentine's Day,
I don't have a special someone,
a person I gave me heart to.
But, I have friends who I've handed my trust, my life.
Today's a day to remind me
how much I love them,
how much I care about them.
Today's a day to remind me
how truly thankful I am for them,
for keeping me going.
Today's a day to remind me
how much I appreciate them
sticking by me no matter what.
Today's a day to remind me
how much they help even though the may not understand,
or how much they are trying to understand so they can help.
Everyday I love them.
Everday I care about them.
Everyday I appreciate them and am thankful.
But today's a day to remind me of exactly how much I do,
exactly how much they matter to me.

Sarah Sweigard, Anna Bona, Britti Johnson- I can't even begin to explain in words how much I love you guys. You are always there, even wayy into the night. I don't understand why you guys haven't left yet or haven't given up. When I ask, you say it's because you love me. It's hard to get those words through. It's hard to accept those words when the person who said them last ended up leaving or hurting me. I wish there were something I could do to show the amount of appreciation and love I have for you. But, nothing ever could. It's such a huge amount. I love you guys sooo much and I hope I never lose you.

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