Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Accomplishing Goals

Since God told me what I can do for the kids who need sponsors, I made a list of three goals.

1) Write a note on facebook telling people about Compassion, everything about it, and how it has affected my life.

2) Send an e-mail to Danny and ask if he could tell his youth group about it and see if any kids want to sponsor a child.

3) Bring it to the congregation and other churches.

So far, I've completed two of those three goals. Well, I did #2, but I'm just waiting to see what he says about it, and #1 is done. #3 is a biggy. It's going to be the hardest to do. I'm actually a little nervous and apprehensive about it. I've never done something of this sort before. Iknow it's going to take some time organizing everything and probably by then I'll be more comfortable about it, but there's one person who I need a ton right now, for support. Unfortunately, I never see her. And, I'm not sure when I will.

I have to do this though. I can't "press the ignore button" on God or "hang up". I owe Him the whole thing. I have to accomplish all three goals, not just two of them.

Also, this is something I need to do on my own. Yes, I need some one's support, but I need only her's, no one else's.

1 comment:

D'Attoma Daily said...

hey chica! praying for you brookie :)hope to see you soon! keep in touch, ok :)