Saturday, January 10, 2009

Taking My Mask Off

I've never felt so much of a person as I do now. Just realizing who I can always talk to, who I need, and who I trust has made me feel like I exist. There's not a day where I don't thank God for the people He has blessed me with, especially the two girls who I so fearfully accepted into my life. They know me. I don't hide anything from them, and because of that, I can be my whole self around them. I can take off that mask I wear at school and church and home and everywhere else. They make me feel comfortable, and it's a total relief to finally have a few certain people I can just be myself around.
It's short and sweet and to the point. These two girls, Nicole Brassea and Britti Johnson, have made a HUGE impact in my life and have changed my outlook. I love them with all my heart, and I don't know where I'd be without them.

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