Friday, January 30, 2009

Pains Me To Lose You

I knew from the beginning I had made a mistake letting people come close to me. I let a few people in on a huge secret, and now, I feel like everyone is leaving me. I feel alone and on my own, like no one cares anymore. I felt withdrawn from the world because of my problems, but I knew I had a few people there with me. Now, I don't feel them. I just feel overwhelmed with everything. I have nobody to lean on or talk to. It feels as though everyone I've come to love and trust and need in the past few months are gone. It's scary, and it hurts. What got me to the place I'm at now is keeping things to myself. I've tried opening up, but in the end, it just hurts me more. So, I'm chosing to close myself off to avoid getting hurt again.

I let you come close
though I feared it and knew I'd get hurt.
I let myself tell you everything and confide in you,
but in the end, you left me.
I thought you cared,
thought you were finally
one to understand,
but it pains me to think & feel that I'm losing you.
What did I do?
Where did I go wrong?
Why am I losing people I so deeply care about?
I dont understand and it hurts.
So for now, I'm closing myself off,
until I know and feel for sure you're here,
and here to stay.

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